KB articles related to the managing and sharing of course materials and facilitating classroom learning

Articles (25)

Pinned Article Blackboard Information

General information and helpful resources about Blackboard

Assignment Folders for Student Submissions in Panopto

Panopto Assignment Folders allow students to create videos and submit them to the course folder using Panopto.

Blackboard Course Archival

Steps for instructors to generate an archive of an entire Blackboard course

Blackboard Mobile App

The Blackboard App allows users to interact with their courses wherever they need and provides an intuitive way to interact with different types of features, depending on your role, be it an instructor or a student.

Create and Use Rubrics in Blackboard

A rubric is a scoring tool you can use to evaluate graded work.

Make Blackboard Course Available to Students

Instructors can make their Blackboard courses available when they are ready to make their site's content public to enrolled students.

Qwickly Attendance in Blackboard

Instructors have the ability to track attendance through Blackboard using the Qwickly Attendance tool.

Remove a User from a Blackboard Course

Instructions on how to remove an existing user from a Blackboard course.


SafeAssign is an optional plagiarism education and prevention service available through Blackboard to all faculty, students, and staff.

Set Test Availability Exceptions in Blackboard

In Blackboard, use test availability exceptions to provide an accommodation to a student who is disabled or for technology and language differences.