Scholarship and Research Computing

Services for faculty and staff involving the support of computationally intensive research

Services (5)

Academic Servers and High Performance Clusters

Servers used for research that are intended for lengthy calculations.

Scholarship and Research Computing Consultation

Consultation requests for scholarship and research computing

Scholarship and Research Computing Project Request

Project requests for new equipment related to scholarship and research computing; includes grant consultation, design, ordering, delivery, physical installation, hosting (HVAC, power/UPS/generator, raised floor, networking, physical security, cybersecurity), operating system installation/configuration/patching, backups, and monitoring.)

Storage Consultation Request

Request consultation with Information Services for computing storage that has specific application or usage requirements that cannot be met with Box (e.g., high performance, large file sizes (>15 GB), long-term file archival, device backups, etc.).

How to Request a Service Offering

If you are unable to find what you are looking for in the services above, use this to submit a ticket for assistance.