Wireless Networks

Service Overview

There are 4 different wireless networks available on campus, each for a different purpose or group to be able to connect. The networks are: urwin, eduroam, Richmond, VisitUR.

Available To

  • urwin - Faculty, Staff, Students
  • eduroam - Visiting faculty, staff, and students from other institutions that participate in Eduroam.
  • Richmond - Faculty, Staff, and Students for connecting smart devices and game consoles to the network.
  • VisitUR - Short-term campus visitors and affiliates

Getting Started


While on campus, students, staff, and faculty can securely access the University network through the campus-wide wireless network (urwin). All users who wish to access the network must have an active University of Richmond network account (NetID and password). ClearPass and Crowdstrike Falcon are required on University managed computers and student computers that connect to the network on campus. Instructions for how to connect devices to the network can be found in our Getting Connected on Campus article.


Visitors who wish to access the 'eduroam' network will need to authenticate with their institution's credentials.


Faculty, Staff, and Students need to submit the Smart Device/Game Console Registration form before being able to connect their devices to this network. 


Simply connect to the “VisitUR” wireless network and open a web browser. After being redirected to the logon page, please read the terms and conditions, accept them by checking the appropriate box, and click the “Log In” button. Acceptance of the terms and conditions is valid for 24 hours, after which the terms must be accepted again.

If you need help with getting your computer or devices configured to be able to connect to the network, you can submit a Request Assistance ticket to the Help Desk.

Issues and Questions

Individuals who have been already setup to connect to the network, but are now experiencing connectivity issues, can use the Report a Problem button for support. When reporting a problem with the network, you will be asked to provide the following information to help troubleshoot: 

  • Network Name
  • Location of where the issue occurred
  • Device(s) having the issue
  • MAC address for device(s)
  • Date/Time of issue
  • Description of the issue
Request Assistance Report a Problem

Related Articles (6)

Instructions for faculty, staff, and students on how to connect their computers, smartphones, and tablets to the secure 'urwin' wireless network.
Eduroam is a global wireless network access service for research and education visitors.
The 'Richmond' wireless network is used to connect smart devices and game consoles after they are registered.
While on campus, students, staff, and faculty can wirelessly and securely access the University network through 'urwin'.
'VisitUR' provides public wifi access for guests and affiliates while on campus.
A list of FAQs and terms in reference to the University's Wireless Network


Service ID: 39947
Thu 10/17/19 4:50 PM
Thu 7/27/23 9:45 AM

Service Offerings (2)

Wireless Network Setup Support
If you need help with getting your computer or devices configured to be able to connect to the network, you can submit a ticket for the Help Desk to assist.
Report a Problem
Report a problem that you are experiencing with connectivity with the wireless network on campus.