Update Network Password on a Windows PC


The instructions below should be followed to update your network password on a Windows PC. There are different instructions to follow depending on if the PC is University owned or personal. 

Details / Instructions

University Owned PC - Login and Wifi

  • If you are on campus, immediately following the password change, you will want to "Lock" your computer and unlock it with the new password. On your keyboard, press Control + Alt + Delete and click on Lock. You can now unlock it with the new password. If you can’t unlock your computer with your new password, you may need to connect your computer with an Ethernet cable and then try again to unlock with the new password.
  • If you are off campus, connect the VPN on your computer using your new network password. Once the VPN is connected, you will want to lock your computer and unlock it with the new password. on your keyboard, press Control + Alt + Delete and click on Lock. You can now unlock it with the new password. If that does not take your new password, you will need to bring the computer to campus and connect with an Ethernet connection to sync the new password. Until then, you can still use your old password to login to the computer. 

Outlook with Exchange Account

Within 30 minutes after changing your password, a Microsoft sign-in window will appear in outlook prompting you to enter a password. Enter your new network password. 

Personal PC - Wifi

The 'urwin' wireless network will not automatically prompt for your new password if you are on a personal computer. To get it to sync with the new password, you need to "forget the network" and rejoin with the new credentials following the steps below. 

  1. Click the Network icon on the lower right corner of your screen.
  2. Click Network & Internet settings.
  3. Click Wi-Fi settings.
  4. Under Manage known networks, click urwin.
  5. Click Forget.

Personal PC - Pluto Network Printers

If you connect to any of the Pluto network printers on campus, you can follow the steps below to update the password on your computer for Pluto. 

  1. Select the Start button and search for Control Panel.
  2. Select User Accounts > Credential Manager.
  3. Click on the option for Windows Credentials.
  4. Locate Pluto in this list and click on it. 
  5. Click on the option for Edit. You can then delete out the password that is listed for Pluto and enter your new password. 

See Also

How to change your password: https://spidertechnet.richmond.edu/TDClient/1955/Portal/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=35403

How to reset a forgotten or expired password: https://spidertechnet.richmond.edu/TDClient/1955/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=149890

Duo Mobile: https://spidertechnet.richmond.edu/TDClient/1955/Portal/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=35098

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