The Technology Learning Center Operating Hours


Operating hours at The Technology Learning Center (TLC).

Details / Instructions

Summer Hours

Starting date 5/24
Monday-Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed

Summer Exceptions

See TLC Spidertechnet for appointments.
Fri. 7/26/24 9:00 am-12:00 pm Early closing for maintenance
Thurs. 8/8/24 Closed Library event

School Hours

Starting date 8/26/24
Sunday 11:00 am - midnight
Monday-Thursday 9:00 am - midnight
Friday 9:00 am-6:00 pm
Saturday Closed

School Exceptions

See TLC Spidertechnet for appointments.
Mon. 8/26/24-Fri. 8/30/24 9:00 am-5:00 pm Back to School
Sun. 9/1/24 Closed Back to School
Sun. 10/13/24 Closed Fall Break
Mon. 10/14/24 9:00 am-5:00 pm Fall Break
Tues. 11/26/24 9:00 am-9:00 pm Thanksgiving
Wed. 11/27/24-Fri. 11/29/24 Closed Thanksgiving
Sat. 12/7/24 11:00 am-6:00 pm Finals

The TLC can be found on the second floor in room 212 of Boatwright Library.  The computer lab is closest to the tower door of the main library.

(804) 289-8772


See Also

See Technology Learning Center for services and to submit service requests.

Print Article


Article ID: 83309
Thu 7/18/19 9:35 AM
Tue 7/23/24 4:42 PM

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Hardware, software, and peripherals for the Technology Learning Center. The TLC can be found on the second floor of Boatwright Libray.

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TLC staff are always available to assist with anything from equipment setup to photo and video editing.
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The Technology Learning Center has audio/video rooms available for reservation that offer a myriad of different resources fit for many tech needs.
One-on-one or group training and consultations for a variety of multimedia software tools, led by TLC staff members who specialize in those tools.
VR and AR training one-on-one and workshops available by appointment.
The Technology Learning Center (TLC) supports the creation and use of multimedia in teaching and learning with an emphasis on course-related digital media projects.