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Classrooms with Lecture Capture

Overview A Lecture Capture classroom is one where there is installed technology (camera and microphone) that enables the recording of the lecture for later viewing. The camera and microphones are

Upload Videos to Blackboard through Panopto

Overview Panopto is a video capture tool with a built-in integration with our Blackboard environment.  In addition to recording videos within the Panopto application, you can upload previously

Moving recordings in Panopto

Overview Videos, or recordings, are organized into folders in Panopto. These folders are usually associated with classes. Sometimes you may want to move a recording out of one folder, and store it

How to Install Panopto onto Blackboard

Overview The following are the steps to install Panopto.   Available to: Faculty and stafff Details / Instructions 1) Open Blackboard and select a course.   2) On the left

Uploading Videos to Panopto

Overview Panopto is a video capture tool that can be used to record then share classroom lectures. In addition to recording videos using the Panopto application, Panopto has a web portal that can

Configuring Panopto Folder Mapping for Zoom Recording Integration with Blackboard

Overview Zoom and Panopto have developed an integration enabling the automatic transfer and publishing of Zoom recorded videos via Panopto.  Panopto can also place the videos in the appropriate

Configuring Zoom Account for Cloud Recording

Overview This article explains the steps necessary to configure your Zoom account to enable the cloud recording feature. In addition to recording Zoom meetings on your computer, Zoom provides an

Add Captions to Panopto Videos

Overview Panopto has the ability to manually upload captions or add captions through automatic speech recognition (ASR).  Please note that captions created through ASR are not 100% accurate and

Configure Blackboard Course to Use Panopto

Overview Panopto is a lecture capture tool with a built-in integration through Blackboard, where videos can be shared easily with your students. All recordings are automatically uploaded to

Assignment Folders for Student Submissions in Panopto

Overview A Panopto assignment folder is a subfolder that shares a user list with its parent folder. Those with Viewer access to the parent folder have the ability to record and upload videos to the

Change Download Availability Settings for Panopto Videos

Overview By default, only Admins and Creators (Faculty) have access to download Panopto videos. Viewers can be given this access as required.  Faculty and Admins have the ability, on a per-course

Configure Panopto Folder Mapping for Zoom Meetings

Overview Zoom and Panopto have developed an integration enabling the automatic transfer and publishing of Zoom recorded videos via Panopto.  Unlike Zoom, Panopto offers permanent storage of the