Update Network Password on macOS (Student and Personal Macs)


When you change your network password, there may be some services and applications on your Mac that you need to update with your new network password.


Your Mac should automatically prompt for your new network password for Wi-Fi and for Mail/Outlook. If it does, enter the new password and make sure to check the box for Remember this password in my Keychain


macOS Monterey and below

  1. If your Mac does not automatically prompt for a new password, Open System Preferences > click Network > select Wi-Fi and click Advanced.
  2. Remove “urwin” from the preferred Networks by clicking the - (minus) button.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Select urwin from the available wireless networks.
  5. You should then be prompted for credentials.
  6. Enter your NetID in the Name field and your new network Password in the password field.
  7. Check the box for Remember this Network.


macOS Ventura and above

  1. If your Mac does not automatically prompt for a new password, Open System Settings and click Wi-Fi.
  2. Click the circle with three dots to the right of urwin and select Forget This Network.
  3. Click Remove
  4. Enter your password, if prompted
  5. This will remove urwin from the Known Networks section and place it in the Other Networks section. Hover your mouse over urwin and click Connect.
  6. You should be prompted for credentials. Leave the Identity option at None.
  7. Enter your NetID in the Account Name field and your new network password in the Password field.
  8. The slider beside Remember this information should automatically toggle on.
  9. Click Continue at the certificate window, if prompted.


Email (Mail or Outlook)

  1. Launch your mail application.
  2. Click Mail/Outlook in the menu bar.
  3. Click Preferences (this has been renamed to Settings in macOS Ventura and above).
  4. Click Accounts.
  5. Enter your new password:
    1. Outlook - The password field is on the Accounts window
    2. Mail - The password field is in the Server Settings tab
  6. Close the Preferences/Settings window, saving if prompted to do so.


See Also

If Mail on your Mac keeps asking for your password


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