Configure Inbox and Outbox Folders in Box for Instruction


Box is an encrypted, cloud-based file storage and collaboration platform that enables faculty, staff and students to securely store and share electronic business and academic files.

Inbox and outbox folders can be created in Box, allowing you to receive, and provide feedback on, submissions from your students.

Details / Instructions

Box Digital Inbox

  • Create and name a new folder in Box. Our suggested naming convention is “[semester][year][coursename] Inbox”.
  • Video to help create a folder structure for your class (
  • Create a File Request from the options menu within your newly created Inbox folder. This web utility can be linked to from Blackboard, embedded on a URBlog page, or simply shared via email. It is recommended that you create a title and add instructions for the students.
    • Suggested title “[semester][year][coursename] File Submission
    • Suggested instructions “Students - please use this web utility to submit your files here. When your file is uploaded, you will receive confirmation and I will receive a time-stamped notification of your submission.

Video to help you create a Box Digital Inbox


Box Digital Outbox

  • Create and name a new folder in Box. Our suggested naming convention is “[semester][year][coursename] Inbox”.
  • Video to help create a folder structure for your class (
  • From inside your Outbox folder, click the Share button and enable the Share Link slider. Then change the “People with the link” text and to “People in your company”. You can now copy and paste that link into your correspondence with your students - i.e. email, Blackboard, Slack. Students will be able to see and download the folder, save the link in their Box accounts, but will not be able to edit the contents.

      Video to help you create a Box Digital Outbox

See Also

 Access Box here:


Article ID: 100107
Thu 3/5/20 3:57 PM
Wed 8/30/23 2:42 PM