Report a Phishing Attempt

Service Overview

Phishing is the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from someone you may know in order to convince individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.

By reporting a phishing attempt, Information Services can use this information to block the phishing emails from being delivered to other individuals in the organization.

Available To


Getting Started

Please forward the phishing email “As an attachment” to If you aren’t sure how to do that, please follow the steps below:


Outlook: click the "More" drop-down that's next to the "Forward" button and select "Forward as Attachment"


Outlook: right-click the message from your inbox and select "Forward Special>As Attachment"
Mail: right-click the message from your inbox and select "Forward as attachment"

Once you have forwarded the email as an attachment, you can delete the email.

Issues and Questions

If you are unsure about whether to report an email, please feel free to contact the Help Desk and we can help you determine if the email should be reported. 



Service ID: 35532
Thu 5/2/19 11:34 AM
Mon 6/24/19 12:23 PM