LastPass FAQ


  1. What is the value of using LastPass?
  2. What happens if I forget my master password?
  3. Why is LastPass safe?
  4. What's the difference between LastPass Enterprise and Premium?
  5. How do I get a LastPass Enterprise account?
  6. How do I get a LastPass Premium account
  7. What if I already have a LastPass Premium account with my Richmond email address?
  8. I use a different password manager. What should I do? Why did you choose LastPass?
  9. Can I use LastPass on mobile?
  10. What if I already use LastPass?
  11. Does the University see the data in my personal LastPass account?
  12. What happens to my lastPass Premium account if I depart the University of Richmond?









What is the value of using LastPass?

LastPass securely stores all your passwords and automatically logs you into your online accounts. It even completes all the checkout and shipping forms for online shopping when you store your address, phone number, and credit card to a profile. Other benefits include:

  • A password generator tool to help you create strong, unique passwords for every site.
  • Saving time with auto-fill (hands-free login!)
  • No more forgotten passwords
  • Better protection for your corporate and personal data with strong, unique passwords

What happens if I forget my master password?

For a LastPass Premium account, please follow the steps outlined here.

For a LastPass Enterprise account, please submit a ticket or reach out to the help desk in order to have your password reset at 804-287-6400.

Why is LastPass safe?

LastPass employs a 'zero-knowledge' model: all sensitive data is encrypted locally at your device with a key that is never transmitted to us, the host. As such, even under government subpoena, LastPass could ever only turn over an encrypted blob with no key. This serves to protect your data from internal and external threats alike.

What's the difference between LastPass Enterprise and Premium?

LastPass Enterprise is a managed version of LastPass for faculty and staff that allows Information Services to reset master passwords, disable or delete accounts upon request, and integrate with directory services.  LastPass Premium is the commercial version of LastPass that is available to the public for purchase (free to faculty, staff, and students) and is used for personal accounts.

How do I get a LastPass Enterprise account?

In order to receive a LastPass Enterprise account, please click here to request an account.  You will receive a welcome email from LastPass with instructions on how to get started and activate the account. You have the option to installed the browser extension here.

How do I get a LastPass Premium account?

To request a LastPass Premium account, click here.  You will need to enter your in the first field, and then your personal email address you wish to use with as your Premium account. 

Faculty and Staff should use a personal email address, such as,, etc. to use with the Premium account.

What if I already have a LastPass Premium account with my Richmond email address?

If you have a free or premium LastPass account with your email address, and you would like to have that as your Enterprise account. You will need change the email address of the premium account to something other than your email address. Alternatively, you can delete that account also by following the link here. Once your email is not tied to any LastPass account, you may complete an enterprise request form

I use a different password manager. What should I do? Why did you choose LastPass?

You may continue to use a different password manager personally, but for your work-related credentials we would like you to use your LastPass Enterprise account which has been vetted by our security team and offers advanced security features that are important to the safety of our corporate data.

Can I use LastPass on mobile?

Yes, LastPass supports every major smartphone and tablet, including Android, iOS, BlackBerry, and Windows Mobile devices. More information is available here:

What if I already use LastPass?

Great! We recommend you continue using your personal LastPass account and request a separate Enterprise LastPass account for work credentials. You are also able to access both accounts from your Enterprise account. Simply link your accounts according the documentation here. Linking ensures that your personal data remains private to you and will convey with you should you leave the University.

Does the University see the data in my personal LastPass account?

No, if you use a separate LastPass account for personal passwords, and even if that account is “linked” to the Enterprise account for more convenient access, the University does not have any visibility into the contents of those account.

What happens to my LastPass Premium account if I depart the University of Richmond?

Your LastPass account will persist after you leave the University of Richmond, but it will be downgraded to a free account, and lose Premium features. You may, at your expense, choose to continue a Premium subscription. All of your passwords will always remain available to you, even in a free account. For more information about the differences between a Premium and free account, see the following articles on the LastPass support sites: LastPass Premium FAQ and LastPass Free FAQ.

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Article ID: 89595
Thu 10/17/19 2:56 PM
Tue 2/13/24 9:43 AM

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