Oracle Academy


Oracle Academy is an academic program that provides educators and students with resources for cloud-related learning. Those at member institutions (including the University of Richmond) receive instructional materials that can lead to Oracle software certifications as well as software licensing for teaching and learning of Oracle products.

Details / Instructions

Faculty can access the complete Oracle Academy resources by registering with Oracle Academy through this link.  The associated terms and conditions for institutional usage are available here while those for students are available here.

Once provisioned, users can visit the Oracle Academy site at to access instructional and reference materials, online training sessions, a member hub, and operational status of the Oracle Academy System.
To guide usage of Oracle Academy resources, please use the aforementioned Oracle Academy terms and conditions as well as the following University policies available at .

If the Oracle Academy usage agreement is violated, Oracle will suspend that user’s access to the services.


Article ID: 111162
Wed 7/1/20 1:47 PM
Wed 11/15/23 12:05 PM

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