Amazon Web Services (AWS) Educate is an academic program that provides educators and students with resources for cloud-related learning. Those at member institutions (including the University of Richmond) receive demos and special on-campus programs unavailable to non-member institutions and twice as many AWS credits to support coursework and academic research relative to non-member institutions.
Details / Instructions
Faculty and students can apply for AWS Educate accounts and benefits at https://www.awseducate.com/registration . The associated terms and conditions are available at https://www.awseducate.com/registrationtandc .
Once provisioned, users will follow the AWS Knowledge Center guides for properly using the AWS Educate service offerings.
To guide usage of AWS Educate resources, please use the AWS user agreement and terms and conditions as well as the following University policies available at http://policy.richmond.edu
If the AWS Educate usage agreement is violated, AWS will suspend that user’s AWS Educate account.