Mobile Security Tip: Limit, Update, and Review your apps


Recently, there have been cyber threats where mobile apps were susceptible to being compromised with malware. Mobile devices make it easy for you to install and carry many apps on either your Android or Apple devices. However, it is important to know apps are susceptible to being compromised.


The following tips can help to mitigate the chance of becoming a victim of cyber criminal activity:

  • Limit the number of apps on your phone
    • The fewer apps you have, the less likely that one of them may turn out to be malicious.
  • Keep your apps up-to-date
    • Both the Google and Apple devices allow your app settings to be set to auto-update when there is a new version of the app available.
  • Review app security notifications
    • Review app information published on the app stores and their respective websites to stay aware of the latest security vulnerabilities.

Limit, Update, and Review your apps to stay SpiderSecure!

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Article ID: 151340
Fri 5/10/24 3:39 PM
Wed 5/15/24 12:09 PM