Moving recordings in Panopto


Panopto videos can be organized in folders. Learn how to move videos from one folder to another.



Videos, or recordings, are organized into folders in Panopto. These folders are usually associated with classes. Sometimes you may want to move a recording out of one folder, and store it in another (for example: a Zoom recording that is stored in the default Meeting Recordings folder).

Details / Instructions

There are two ways to access the videos in Panopto:

From Blackboard:

  • Log in to Blackboard and select any course that is setup for Panopto Videos (Hint: you will see the link 'Panopto Videos' in the left side-bar of the course) For more information, see: Configure Blackboard Course to Use Panopto
  • Click the 'Panopto Videos' link in the left side-bar of your course
  • Click thein the upper-right corner of the main page, to open the folder in Panopto (this will open a new browser page/tab)

Accessing Panopto directly:

  • Open your browser and enter the url:
  • On the Sign in to Panopto page, select 'Blackboard' from the drop-down and click 'Sign in'
  • Log in to Panopto using your UR netid and password (if you are already logged into Panopto, you may not be prompted to log in again).

Changing the folder assignment for a video:

  • Click on 'My Folder' in the left navigation bar in Panopto
  • Find the folder that contains the video that you want to move.  If you are not sure, you can search for the video using the search at the top of the page; enter any part of the video name, and click the magnifying glass to search
    • Folders are listed along the top of the page as click-able buttons
    • For example: Zoom recordings that were transferred to Panopto, without a folder mapping, will be in the folder. Panopto creates this folder automatically for all Zoom recordings that do not have a course mapping.  You can change this default location at any time (see Configuring Panopto Folder Mapping for Zoom Recording Integration). 
  • Move the mouse pointer (hover) over the name of the video you wish to move, and click the 'Settings' button that appears below the name
  • Just below the name of the video, you will see the name of the folder that video is currently placed in; click 'Edit' to right of the folder name
  • Select the new folder from the drop-down list, then click 'Save'
  • Close the file settings page by clicking the 'X' in the upper-right corner

See Also

Configure Blackboard Course to Use Panopto

Configuring Panopto Folder Mapping for Zoom Recording Integration



Article ID: 116204
Tue 9/15/20 12:11 PM
Wed 8/21/24 4:51 AM

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