Install Printers on macOS (Faculty/Staff)


Instructions for installing a networked printer on your University owned and managed Mac



Faculty and staff can install networked printers on their University owned and managed Mac via the Self Service application on their Mac. By default, once logged into Self Service you will see any printer available to your department as ready to install. If the printer you would like to install is not listed, please contact the Help Desk so it can be made available for your Mac in Self Service.


Image of Jamf's Self Service app icon

1. From your Applications folder, launch the Self Service app and login with your NetID and password. 

Image of Self Service app login window

2. Choose Printers & Scanners from the category on the left. Any printers belonging to your department will show up as available to be installed.

Image of Self Service app with Printers and Scanners section selected

3. Identify the printer you want and click Install.

Once the printer is installed, you can choose that printer when printing any document on your Mac. Depending on the size of the driver and whether your Mac already has the appropriate driver installed, it may take a few minutes to complete the installation.

PaperCut Printers

Printers connected to the campus print server, PaperCut, will need to be installed via the PaperCut app.



See Also

Self Service

Install and Print to Public Printers on Mac



Article ID: 88324
Wed 10/2/19 3:59 PM
Tue 12/3/24 3:00 PM

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