Zoom and Panopto have developed an integration enabling the automatic transfer and publishing of Zoom recorded videos via Panopto. Panopto can also place the videos in the appropriate class folder, making them available to students via Blackboard.
Before this feature will work, you must have Cloud Recording enabled for your Zoom account. For instructions on how to enable this feature, please see KB article Configuring Zoom Account for Cloud Recording
There is no special configuration required in Panopto to use this feature. However, using the instructions below will simplify the delivery of recordings by letting Panopto know the folder that should be used to store the recordings from specific meetings (classes). Otherwise, Panopto will store all of the transferred Zoom recordings in the default 'Meeting Recordings' folder, and you will have to move them manually (see: Moving recordings in Panopto, below).
Details / Instructions
Before proceeding you will need to know the Meeting IDs of each of the Zoom meetings that you wish to have automatically placed.
- Open the Zoom client on your computer or log into your Zoom account at
- Go to the 'Meetings' tab
- All of your scheduled meetings will be listed, along with the associated Meeting ID
Accessing Panopto Account Settings via Blackboard:
- Log in to Blackboard and select your course
- Each of your courses need to be setup to use Panopto content. (Hint: if you see the link 'Panopto Videos' in the left side-bar of your course, you're all set!) For more information, see: Configure Blackboard Course to Use Panopto
- Click the 'Panopto Videos' link in the left side-bar of your course
- Click the
in the upper-right corner of the main page, to open the folder in Panopto (this will open a new browser page/tab)
- Click your name in the upper-right corner
- Click the 'User Settings' button
- About half-way down the settings page, you will see 'Meeting Import Settings'
- Panopto will automatically create the folder 'Meeting Recordings' for all Zoom recordings that do not have a course mapping. You change this at any time by clicking the blue 'Edit', and selecting the folder in which you wish all non-mapped recordings to be saved.
- Under 'Create folder mappings for the meetings you own:'
- Select (Zoom) as the Meeting Mapping Source in the drop-down list
- click 'Add New'
- Enter the Meeting ID of the Zoom meeting for the course in the box to the left, and select the appropriate folder for the course from the drop-down to the right; then click 'Save'
- Note: you can add the folder mappings for all of your courses, without having to exit and select each course individually; simply click 'Add New' for each folder mapping that you wish to create.
- Close the window by clicking the 'X' at the top of the User Settings page
- Close the Panopto tab/page
See Also
Configure Blackboard Course to Use Panopto
Moving recordings in Panopto