Email Mailbox Cleaning Tips

Phishing attacks can be difficult to spot and cause serious harm to individuals and the university as a whole. They often arrive in emails that appear to be from legitimate sources and contain a sense of urgency, requiring the recipient to take immediate action, such as clicking a link, downloading an attachment, or signing into a website. Once these actions are taken, a cybercriminal may obtain access to personal information, passwords, or install malware on the system.

To protect against phishing and account compromise attacks it is a good idea to be proactive and regularly clean up your email accounts. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Review and delete any emails from unknown or unexpected senders.
  2. Unsubscribe from newsletters or promotional emails that you no longer read or find useful.

  3. Organize your email folders and delete any unnecessary emails, especially those with attachments or links from unknown sources.

  4. Update account passwords and enable two-factor authentication wherever possible for added security.

  5. Always be cautious when opening any emails that ask for personal information, credentials, or urge you to take immediate action.

  6. Regularly check your email account settings and make sure they are configured to the highest level of security.

Cybercriminals are always looking for new ways to attack, but by following these simple steps you can keep your email accounts tidy and secure, helping to protect yourself and the university from reputational damage and financial loss. 

Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to protecting our digital infrastructure. Happy spring cleaning!

Do your part, #BeCyberSmart

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Article ID: 145204
Wed 4/12/23 9:48 AM
Wed 4/12/23 10:59 AM